Wednesday 30 September 2009

Motor Biking and Job Hunting

Well its official....I have faced my fear of the road and rented a motor bike! I am happy to report that in the 4 days that I have had my motor bike there have been no accidents, injuries, or tears. This is a huge accomplishment because when I first arrived here I was shocked by the lack of a traffic system and by the moms, dads, and babies on single motor bikes. In my mind there was no way I would voluntarily join in on that craziness. Things started to change when I realized it was kind of annoying to always take the tuk-tuks or songtaews everywhere. They are usually dropping multiple people off so you end up being late a lot and the money can add up when you are paying for transportation everywhere you go.  So when people from class started renting bikes and saying how easy it was to drive around I started to slightly warm up to the idea. The official decision to rent a bike came after Richard drove me home on his motor bike after class one day. That one ride was enough for me to get the courage to decide that I wanted one for myself. I realized that it wasn’t bad at all and actually pretty enjoyable! On Sunday we (Kelsey, Kyle, and I) met and rented our motor bikes!  Kels had some errands to run so she went off on her own and Kyle and I headed out of the city toward the mountains.  I was a little nervous about driving on the highway and up and down mountain roads but it was actually fine! I think I did an excellent job driving if I do say so myself. Kyle might tell you different because supposedly I was driving in the middle of the road and got beeped at a few times but i don’t think that ever happened ;).  The view was awesome from the mountains and I would definitely do that drive again.  It was really refreshing to get out of the city and smell fresh air and get a glimpse of non-city scenery.   

Kelsey and I have had the bikes the past few days and have used them to go around the city and apply for jobs. They are so convenient and I cannot wait to buy my own for the rest of the time that I am here.  I can proudly say that today I made it home from the city center to my apartment all by myself!  (For those of you who know me well know that this is a HUGE accomplishment since I have ZERO sense of direction).  I used a map and figured it out all by myself and everything! Yay! :)  

I need to pay rent soon so I asked mom to transfer money from my bank account to my debit account and she kindly reminded me that I need to be aware of my budget because money doesn’t grow on trees...well apparently neither do jobs.  Kelsey and I have been job hunting for the last 3 days now with no luck. We have probably applied to about 15 different language schools, colleges, and a few primary schools. Apparently it isn’t the best time to apply for jobs because it is the period between the 1st and 2nd semesters and I guess most schools hire before the start of the first semester.  I am staying optimistic and I am sure something will come up within the next few weeks. I am pretty anxious to start working so hopefully something will come up sooner rather than later!  



  1. meg i love that you are renting a moped...please buy one and post a pic of this BA mobile :)
    miss you xoxo

  2. Awesome Megs,
    hope the job hunting isnt getting ya down!
    keep the search up!
